My Reaction to the Gala..oops Spring Dance

I cannot understand how members of our alumni association in good conscience will not support a fundraising effort to raise money unless the food they want is served and the entertainment they want is presented.  This is not dinner and a show; this is a fundraiser!!!  It boggles the mind the foolishness that I've had to listen to for almost half a year so that a student can get enough money to essentially pay rent for one semester.  We have the gala so that we can have fun; raising money for the students is just a side effect.  Anytime you make more money when you announce that we're serving all you can eat fried chicken, something is wrong.  Why don't we announce that we're going to have all you can drink top shelf drinks next year to see if we can double the amount of money we raise?  I have some real good ideas on how to make a whole LOT of money that I know my wife wouldn't approve of.  It involves poles.

In my opinion, what's even worse than the people who blackmailed the committee into having the gala they wanted are the people that didn't support the gala because of the people that would be there.  This would include a very high number of young people.  I understand that young people and older people don't really like to be around each other.....actually, that's not true.  The young people seem to get along well with the older people at the chapter picnic.  Maybe the young people are just broke......actually, that's not true either.   I don't know what's going on and I wish someone would tell me.

We all know that the students need money for school.  Whenever we as alumni put our wants ahead of the needs of the students, something is very wrong.  Just wanted to vent about that.  Enjoy your day.

©  Stephen D. Roberson, 2016